Women’s Leather In-Between Jacket (The Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation)
For officers of a high rank
25 000 руб.
Winter Leather Jacket (The Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation)
For officers of a high rank and senior officers
35 000 руб.
The Leather In-Between Jacket (The Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation)
For officers of a high rank and senior officers
25 000 руб.
Leather In-Between Raincoat (The Investigative Committee of Russian Federation)
For officers of a high rank
30 000 руб.
The Leather In-Between Jacket (The National Guard of the Russian Federation)
For officers of a high rank and senior officers
25 000 руб.
Winter Leather Jacket (The National Guard of the Russian Federation)
For officers of a high rank
35 000 руб.
Winter Leather Jacket (The Investigative Committee of Russian Federation)
For officers of a high rank
35 000 руб.
Winter Leather Jacket (The Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation)
For senior officers
35 000 руб.
Leather In-Between Raincoat (The Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation)
For officers of a high rank and senior officers
30 000 руб.
Winter Leather Jacket (The Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation)
For officers of a high rank and senior officers
35 000 руб.
Winter Leather Jacket (The Federal Penitentiary Service of Russian Federation)
For officers of a high rank and senior officers
35 000 руб.
Leather In-Between Raincoat (The Federal Penitentiary Service of Russian Federation)
For senior officers
30 000 руб.
Winter Leather Jacket (The Federal Protective Service of the Russian Federation)
For senior officers
35 000 руб.
Leather In-Between Raincoat (The Federal Protective Service of the Russian Federation)
For officers of a high rank
35 000 руб.
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